1. Just as God who reigns on high
Spake to men in days gone by,
So the Lord is calling men today;
And, my brother this is true,
Whatsoe’er He says to you,
There is but one thing to do just
Just obey, just obey
Is the way, God’s way;
When His message comes to you,
There is but one thing to do,
Just obey, just obey.
2. If you’re in the Saviour’s side
You must do as He commands,
For there is no other gospel way;
Never put the message by,
Never stop to reason Awhy,@
When the Saviour speaks to you just
3. If for mansions fair you sigh
In that land beyond the sky,
After time with you has passed
Tho’ the way you may not see
Christ is calling, Afollow me,@
Faith and duty both will cry just