1. When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
Will your lamps be burning bright?
Will your robes be pure and white?
When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
O be ready! O be ready!
Ready when the Bride-groom
O be ready! O be ready!
Ready when the Bride-groom
2. When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
O be ready for that day!
With your sins all wash’d away,
When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
3. When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
Will your wearied heart rejoice
At the sound of Jesus’ voice?
When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
4. When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
Will the sorrows of the past
All be chang’d to joy at last?
When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
5. When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
When the Lord shall call His own,
Can you stand before the throne?
When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
6. When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,
Will you join the ransom’d host,
Or be found among the lost?
When the Bride-groom cometh by
and by,